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Yes folks it's in your toothpaste and it's in everything you drink, if you don't believe it, then you are too far gone and you have blockage of the pineal gland. Buy yourself a reverse osmosis water filter NOW. Enjoy your week-end. Please pass on.
Shroomery - Magic Mushrooms (Shrooms) Demystified 
Detailed magic mushroom information including growing shrooms, mushroom identification, spores, psychedelic art, trip reports and an active community.

Do you know what is in your water? New Harvard research links fluoridated water to ADHD & mental disorders. Learn more: Please share!

IF only SF Tap Water did not contain TOXIC Fluoride at 1.4 -1.7 PPM. Remember
Hitler used 3 PPM to tranquilize inmates in his death camps.
Hitler learned this trick from Stalin; Fluoride makes people docile / dumbs them down.
San Francisco is poised to take a historic step forward in eliminating bottled water sold on city property -- and expanding access to the city's pristine tap water, keeping thousands of plastic bottles out of landfills. The Board of Supervisors votes next Tuesday 3/4. RSVP to come to a rally in support, and SHARE so others can, too! BEAST Technology [Pt.2]

America's proud tradition of muck-raking journalism, such as it was, arguably began with Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle" which revealed conditions in the meat packing industry in the U.S. Such journalism has now been made illegal in Idaho, with other states likely to follow soon since this is part of the ALEC agenda.

 We've suspected this for years. Now we have solid proof. Check it out here:

THE URBAN GULAGS-CONTROL-LIQUIDATION AGENDA 21 MUST WATCH: This Woman's Congressional Testimony is Going Viral
Catherine Engelbrecht gives a heart wrenching testimony to Congress about being being preyed upon by the IRS and other government agencies. Please share wide and far to show support for Catherine and political freedom in this country. — in Washington, DC.

Sofia Smallstorm Unraveling Sandy Hook 

Sofia Smallstorm Unraveling Sandy Hook 

Why were no Helicopters called in? 
Why no bodies into ambulance?
Why no victims?
Why no blood?

Why no Proof?


It would be the american thing to do to be suspicious when protocols were broken.

They Had RED GREEN YELLOW Back? Trauma TRIAGE tarps in Parking LOT and DID NOT USE THEM.

They demolished the school (EVIDENCE) wherein all contractors were forced to sign a NON DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT


You know them... They jump into productive discussions
and undermine them with insulting, racist, and inflammatory comments. 
Who are these people and why do  hey do what they do?  The facts are in: 
They've government paid  contractors - and here's the proof.  Video:
Couple Who Found $10 Million In Gold Coins Gets Another Surprise, And It's Not A Good One 
A Northern California couple found $10 million worth of rare gold coins in the back yard buried in cans. Such a find would make...
They owe almost 5 Million in Taxes before April 15
Lame...but not surprising. They should fight it, why not? ...but I agree with what one of the commenters on the article said: "thats why they never should have said a word, packed up and moved out of crazyfornia and/or sold them one at a time to dealers, spread out." ......yeah, they should have been a lot smarter and quieter about the way they handled this. Deer Eating Corn Tortillas through sliding glass door.

The truth is that Russia is more than willing to fight a war over Crimea. And considering the fact that vitally important pipelines that pump natural gas from Russia to the rest of Europe go right through Ukraine, it is not likely that Russia will just willingly hand the rest of Ukraine over to the U.S. and the EU either. 
Seattle Has Been Taken Over By The Department Of Homeland Security Obama’s DHS Contracted to Purchase 704 Million Rounds of Ammo Over Next 4 Years- that’s 2,500 Rounds Per Officer 
Noise, A Clever Stop Motion Animated Short That Visualizes Sound
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.